
Max Turns 4 Months Old!

Happy Birthday Max! Max went to the Dr. today to get his immunization shots! And even though it's only been a few days later from the last dr. visit, he weighs in at 6.2kg! Mommy is very happy and pleased about the weight. Dr. said that he's small for boys his age but since he had a low birth weight, he actually has a normal and good growth rate. Max cried very loud for a few minutes after he got the shot on his thigh but quickly fell asleep after crying. Poor baby! Today is also the first time we used the baby bjorn outward, so Max can see the world. His head is still a little wobbly so mommy supports his head. Again he behaved very well while mommy shopped for a new handbag after the Dr.'s visit and ran errands. People at the shop was very amused by Max because he smiled back at them, showing off his cute little dimples!

