
We're Back!

Max is back in Singapore from his big trip! Photos will follow soon but Max was a good boy on his first time overseas! At first, mommy was really worried about riding on the plane with Max. So the strategy was whenever Max starts crying, mommy would breastfeed him to put an end to the crying. That was feasible on a short flight to HK but imagine if its a 14 hour long haul flight, that wouldn't be possible at all. We were just worried that the crying would disturb the other passenger.

Hong Kong was so much fun! We met up with so many friends and introduced Max to everyone. Everyone said Max looks like a mixture of mommy and daddy. We're not sure if it's the cold weather in HK that made Max sleep better, but on Friday night, he was put to sleep around 10:30pm, and managed to sleep until 5:30am. Mommy woke up feeling really engorged but so happy about getting a good night's rest because the night before, he got up every hour. Mommy only managed to get three hour sleep. The next night, Max slept from 12 midnight to 6:30am. Getting a good night sleep is such a treat for mommy and we hope Max keeps it coming!

Also, we were able to weigh Max because a friend had a baby scale. Max weights 5.6KG (about 13 lbs)! Mommy was so happy to see that because Max's birth weight was low compared to other babies same age but he's finally catching up! And the endless hours of breastfeeding is definitely paying off and he has doubled his birth weight! YEAH!!!

1 則留言:

  1. doubling before 3 months is v good - the guideline is 4mo weight should be 2x birth weight, so max is doing great! must be mommy's milk! :D
